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Living systematic review on interventions to reduce cancer-related fatigue

This living systematic review will be an enhanced update of a study published in the BJSM in 2017 (print 2018). In addition to exercise and psychological interventions, we will also include pharmacological and nutritional interventions.

The project was initiated by Prof. Dr. Jan Taeymans from the Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH and Roger Hilfiker, in collaboration with researchers and clinicians from the BFH Prof. Dr. pharm. Helena Jenzer, from the ZHAW André Meichtry, from the University of Lausanne Prof. Dr. Manuela Eicher, from the University Hospital Inselspital Bern Dr. Martin Verra, Sabrina Grossenbacher-Eggmann and Katja Landgraf, from the University of Bern Psychiatric Services Dr. Dirk Richter, from the University Hospital Zurich Dr. Ruud Knols, from the Kliniken Valens Dr. Jens Bansi, and Sandy Decosterd, Responsable des soins, Département d’oncologie, HUG - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genèvea, Lina Nilsson Denkinger from the Leukerbad Clinik, and from the HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Rahel Caliesch, Marielle Tschopp, Dr. Martin Sattelmayer, and Prof. Dr. Henning Müller and Anjani Dhrangadhariya (both from the Research Institute of Information Systems, HES-SO Valais-Wallis).

Team page comming soon.

This project is financed by the Swiss Cancer Research foundation (SCR) (List with supported research projects 2017), HES-SO Valais-Wallis and HES-SO.

If you want to know more about living systematic review, this link provides a good starting point: Overview of a series of articles on living systematic review.