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Last updated from PubMed: 2024-09-06 05:36:02

Placebo in Osteoarthritis Search Strategy PubMed:

(placebo effect[mh] OR placebos[majr] OR 'placebo effect'[tiab] OR 'placebo effects'[tiab] OR 'placebo response'[tiab] OR 'placebo responders'[tiab] OR 'placebo responder'[tiab] ) AND (osteoarthritis[title] or OA[title] or osteoarthrosis[title] or (degenerative[title] AND meniscal[title])) NOT (animals[mh] NOT humans[mh]) NOT veterinary NOT equine[title] NOT animals[title] NOT animal[title]

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First AuthorYearTitleAuthor ListJournalJointDOI (Click to get article)VolumePages
Kwon Hj;2024Effectiveness Of The Cooled Radiofrequency Ablation Of Genicular Nerves In Patients With Chronic Knee Pain Due To Osteoarthritis: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Study.Kwon Hj;Kim Cs;Kim Dh;Shin Jw;Choi D;Choi SsMEDICINA (KAUNAS, LITHUANIA)knee10.3390/medicina6006085760
Raza A;2024Gait Classification Of Knee Osteoarthritis Patients Using Shoe-Embedded Internal Measurement Units Sensor.Raza A;Sekiguchi Y;Yaguchi H;Honda K;Fukushi K;Huang C;Ihara K;Nozaki Y;Nakahara K;Izumi Si;Ebihara SCLINICAL BIOMECHANICS (BRISTOL, AVON)knee10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2024.106285117106285
Balsby Im;2024Comparative Effectiveness Of Different Placebos And Comparator Groups For Hand Osteoarthritis Exploring The Impact Of Contextual Factors: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis Of Randomised Trials.Balsby Im;Nielsen Sm;Christensen R;Henriksen M;Dahl Lu;Berg Ji;Tarp S;Kroon F;Kloppenburg M;Zhang W;Hunter Dj;Bliddal H;Døssing AOSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGEhand10.1016/j.joca.2024.02.94732848-857
Bensa A;2024Intra-Articular Corticosteroid Injections Provide A Clinically Relevant Benefit Compared To Placebo Only At Short-Term Follow-Up In Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis.Bensa A;Albanese J;Boffa A;Previtali D;Filardo GKNEE SURGERY, SPORTS TRAUMATOLOGY, ARTHROSCOPY : OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE ESSKAknee10.1002/ksa.1205732311-322
Gorsi U;2024Safety And Efficacy Of Genicular Artery Embolization For The Treatment Of Knee Pain Secondary To Osteoarthritis-Initial Indian Experience.Gorsi U;Singh D;Kang M;Kumar V;Prakash M;B C STHE INDIAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY & IMAGINGknee10.1055/s-0043-17711593437-43
Neogi T;2023Placebo Effects In Osteoarthritis: Implications For Treatment And Drug Development.Neogi T;Colloca LNATURE REVIEWS. RHEUMATOLOGY10.1038/s41584-023-01021-419613-626
Yu Sp;2024Predictors Of Placebo Response To Local (Intra-Articular) Therapy In Osteoarthritis: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis.Yu Sp;Van Middelkoop M;Deveza La;Ferreira Ml;Bierma-Zeinstra S;Zhang W;Atchia I;Birrell F;Bhagavath V;Hunter DjARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH10.1002/acr.2521276208-224
Marriott Ka;2023Fundamentals Of Osteoarthritis. Rehabilitation: Exercise, Diet, Biomechanics, And Physical Therapist-Delivered Interventions.Marriott Ka;Birmingham TbOSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGE10.1016/j.joca.2023.06.011311312-1326
Laohajaroensombat S;2023Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection For The Treatment Of Ankle Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis.Laohajaroensombat S;Prusmetikul S;Rattanasiri S;Thakkinstian A;Woratanarat PJOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND RESEARCHankle10.1186/s13018-023-03828-z18373
Zhang S;2023A Bibliometric Analysis Of Traditional Chinese Non-Pharmacological Therapies In The Treatment Of Knee Osteoarthritis From 2012 To 2022.Zhang S;Wang Y;Zhou M;Jia S;Liu Y;Zhang X;Tai XFRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCEknee10.3389/fnins.2023.1097130171097130
Amirsaadat S;2023An Update On The Effect Of Intra-Articular Intervention Strategies Using Nanomaterials In Osteoarthritis: Possible Clinical Application.Amirsaadat S;Amirazad H;Hashemihesar R;Zarghami NFRONTIERS IN BIOENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY10.3389/fbioe.2023.1128856111128856
Shahid A;2023Do Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections For Knee Osteoarthritis Work?Shahid A;Malik A;Bukhari A;Shaikh A;Rutherford J;Barkatali BCUREUSknee10.7759/cureus.3453315E34533
Wen X;2022Placebo Response To Oral Administration In Osteoarthritis Clinical Trials And Its Associated Factors: A Model-Based Meta-Analysis.Wen X;Luo J;Mai Y;Li Y;Cao Y;Li Z;Han S;Fu Q;Zheng Q;Ding C;Zhu Z;Li LJAMA NETWORK OPEN10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.350605E2235060
Olliges E;2022Open-Label Placebo Administration Decreases Pain In Elderly Patients With Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis - A Randomized Controlled Trial.Olliges E;Stroppe S;Haile A;Reiß F;Malhis M;Funke Sa;Meissner KFRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRYknee10.3389/fpsyt.2022.85349713853497
Block Ja;2022Management Of Knee Osteoarthritis: What Internists Need To Know.Block Ja;Cherny DRHEUMATIC DISEASES CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICAknee10.1016/j.rdc.2022.02.01148549-567
López-Solà M;2022The Neurologic Pain Signature Responds To Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Treatment Vs Placebo In Knee Osteoarthritis.López-Solà M;Pujol J;Monfort J;Deus J;Blanco-Hinojo L;Harrison Bj;Wager TdPAIN REPORTSknee10.1097/PR9.00000000000009867E986
Fazeli Ms;2022Intra-Articular Placebo Effect In The Treatment Of Knee Osteoarthritis: A Survey Of The Current Clinical Evidence.Fazeli Ms;Mcintyre L;Huang Y;Chevalier XTHERAPEUTIC ADVANCES IN MUSCULOSKELETAL DISEASEknee10.1177/1759720X211066689141759720X211066689
Karateev De;2021[Efficacy And Safety Of Magnet Therapy Using Portable Device For Knee Osteoarthritis. 55-Week Double-Blind Study Results].Karateev De;Makevnina Av;Luchikhina El;Bodrova Ra;Tangiyeva ArVOPROSY KURORTOLOGII, FIZIOTERAPII, I LECHEBNOI FIZICHESKOI KULTURYknee10.17116/kurort202198051539853-65
Paget Lda;2021Effect Of Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections Vs Placebo On Ankle Symptoms And Function In Patients With Ankle Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Paget Lda;Reurink G;De Vos Rj;Weir A;Moen Mh;Bierma-Zeinstra Sma;Stufkens Sas;Kerkhoffs Gmmj;Tol JlJAMAankle10.1001/jama.2021.166023261595-1605
Pujol J;2022Tapentadol Effects On Brain Response To Pain In Sensitized Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis.Pujol J;Martínez-Vilavella G;Doreste A;Blanco-Hinojo L;Ojeda F;Llorente-Onaindia J;Polino L;Deus J;Monfort JRHEUMATOLOGY (OXFORD, ENGLAND)knee10.1093/rheumatology/keab761612335-2345
Nakagawa Y;2021Choice Of Control Group Treatments In Hand Osteoarthritis Trials: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis.Nakagawa Y;Tatebe M;Yamamoto M;Kurimoto S;Iwatsuki K;Hirata HSEMINARS IN ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISMhand10.1016/j.semarthrit.2021.04.00651775-785
Ke Y;2021Efficacy And Safety Of A Single Intra-Articular Injection Of 6 Ml Hylan G-F 20 Compared To Placebo In Chinese Patients With Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis : C-Sound Study, A 26-Week Multicenter Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial In China.Ke Y;Jiang W;Xu Y;Chen Y;Zhang Q;Xue Q;Lin J;Ngai W;Nian G;Fazeli Ms;Xie Y;Zhu ZBMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERSknee10.1186/s12891-021-04252-222428
Lyness E;2021Exploring Patient Views Of Empathic Optimistic Communication For Osteoarthritis In Primary Care: A Qualitative Interview Study Using Vignettes.Lyness E;Vennik Jl;Bishop Fl;Misurya P;Howick J;Smith Ka;Ratnapalan M;Hughes S;Dambha-Miller H;Bostock J;Morrison L;Mallen Cd;Yardley L;Leydon G;Little P;Everitt HBJGP OPEN10.3399/BJGPO.2021.00145
Park Jk;2021Predictors Of A Placebo Response In Patients With Hand Osteoarthritis: Post-Hoc Analysis Of Two Randomized Controlled Trials.Park Jk;Ahn Sh;Shin K;Lee Yj;Song Yw;Lee EbBMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERShand10.1186/s12891-021-04089-922244
Block Ja;2021Management Of Knee Osteoarthritis: What Internists Need To Know.Block Ja;Cherny DTHE MEDICAL CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICAknee10.1016/j.mcna.2020.10.005105367-385
Casadaban Lc;2021Genicular Artery Embolization For Osteoarthritis Related Knee Pain: A Systematic Review And Qualitative Analysis Of Clinical Outcomes.Casadaban Lc;Mandell Jc;Epelboym YCARDIOVASCULAR AND INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGYknee10.1007/s00270-020-02687-z441-9
Hedayatabad J;2020Javadi Hedayatabad J;Kachooei Ar;Taher Chaharjouy N;Vaziri N;Mehrad-Majd H;Emadzadeh M;Abolghasemian M;Ebrahimzadeh MhTHE ARCHIVES OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERYNA10.22038/abjs.2020.46925.22928343-354
Filardo G;2021Prp Injections For The Treatment Of Knee Osteoarthritis: A Meta-Analysis Of Randomized Controlled Trials.Filardo G;Previtali D;Napoli F;Candrian C;Zaffagnini S;Grassi ACARTILAGEknee10.1177/194760352093117013364S-375S
Chen At;2020Estimating Contextual Effect In Nonpharmacological Therapies For Pain In Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Analytic Review.Chen At;Shrestha S;Collins Je;Sullivan Jk;Losina E;Katz JnOSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGEknee10.1016/j.joca.2020.05.007281154-1169
Ranker A;2020Microcurrent Therapy In The Treatment Of Knee Osteoarthritis: Could It Be More Than A Placebo Effect? A Randomized Controlled Trial.Ranker A;Husemeyer O;Cabeza-Boeddinghaus N;Mayer-Wagner S;Crispin A;Weigl MbEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL AND REHABILITATION MEDICINEknee10.23736/S1973-9087.20.05921-356459-468
Previtali D;2021The Long-Lasting Effects Of "Placebo Injections" In Knee Osteoarthritis: A Meta-Analysis.Previtali D;Merli G;Di Laura Frattura G;Candrian C;Zaffagnini S;Filardo GCARTILAGEknee10.1177/194760352090659713185S-196S
Fuggle Nr;2020Alternative And Complementary Therapies In Osteoarthritis And Cartilage Repair.Fuggle Nr;Cooper C;Oreffo Roc;Price Aj;Kaux Jf;Maheu E;Cutolo M;Honvo G;Conaghan Pg;Berenbaum F;Branco J;Brandi Ml;Cortet B;Veronese N;Kurth Aa;Matijevic R;Roth R;Pelletier Jp;Martel-Pelletier J;Vlaskovska M;Thomas T;Lems Wf;Al-Daghri N;Bruyère O;Rizzoli R;Kanis Ja;Reginster JyAGING CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH10.1007/s40520-020-01515-132547-560
Liu X;2020Efficacy And Safety Of A Supplement Combination For Hand Osteoarthritis Pain: Protocol For An Internet-Based Randomised Placebo-Controlled Trial (The Radiant Study).Liu X;Robbins S;Eyles J;Fedorova T;Virk S;Deveza La;Mclachlan A;Hunter DBMJ OPENhand10.1136/bmjopen-2019-03567210E035672
Enomoto H;2020Relationship Between Pain Reduction And Improvement In Health-Related Quality Of Life In Patients With Knee Pain Due To Osteoarthritis Receiving Duloxetine: Exploratory Post Hoc Analysis Of A Japanese Phase 3 Randomized Study.Enomoto H;Fujikoshi S;Ogawa K;Tsuji T;Tanaka SJOURNAL OF PAIN RESEARCHhip; knee10.2147/JPR.S21107213181-191
Laslett Ll;2020Karaoke: Krill Oil Versus Placebo In The Treatment Of Knee Osteoarthritis: Protocol For A Randomised Controlled Trial.Laslett Ll;Antony B;Wluka Ae;Hill C;March L;Keen Hi;Otahal P;Cicuttini Fm;Jones GTRIALSknee10.1186/s13063-019-3915-12179
Bagla S;2020Genicular Artery Embolization For The Treatment Of Knee Pain Secondary To Osteoarthritis.Bagla S;Piechowiak R;Hartman T;Orlando J;Del Gaizo D;Isaacson AJOURNAL OF VASCULAR AND INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY : JVIRknee10.1016/j.jvir.2019.09.018311096-1102
Adams J;2019The Osteoarthritis Thumb Therapy (Otter) Ii Trial: A Study Protocol For A Three-Arm Multi-Centre Randomised Placebo Controlled Trial Of The Clinical Effectiveness And Efficacy And Cost-Effectiveness Of Splints For Symptomatic Thumb Base Osteoarthritis.Adams J;Barratt P;Arden Nk;Barbosa Bouças S;Bradley S;Doherty M;Dutton S;Dziedzic K;Gooberman-Hill R;Hislop Lennie K;Hutt Greenyer C;Jansen V;Luengo-Fernandez R;Meagher C;White P;Williams MBMJ OPEN10.1136/bmjopen-2018-0283429E028342
2019[Placebo Effect In Osteoarthritis].Berthelot JmLA REVUE DU PRATICIEN69520-521
2019The Powerful Placebo Effect In Osteoarthritis.Zhang WCLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY37 SUPPL 120118-123
Huang Z;2019Meta-Analysis Of Pain And Function Placebo Responses In Pharmacological Osteoarthritis Trials.Huang Z;Chen J;Hu Qs;Huang Q;Ma J;Pei Fx;Shen B;Kraus VbARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPY10.1186/s13075-019-1951-621173
Richardson C;2019Intra-Articular Hyaluronan Therapy For Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis.Richardson C;Plaas A;Block JaRHEUMATIC DISEASES CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICAknee10.1016/j.rdc.2019.04.01145439-451
Yu Sp;2019Predictors Of Placebo Response To Local (Intra-Articular) Therapy In Osteoarthritis: An Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis Protocol.Yu Sp;Ferreira Ml;Van Middelkoop M;Bierma-Zeinstra Sma;Zhang W;Deveza La;Hunter DjBMJ OPEN10.1136/bmjopen-2018-0273729E027372
Lee Ws;2019Intra-Articular Injection Of Autologous Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells For The Treatment Of Knee Osteoarthritis: A Phase Iib, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial.Lee Ws;Kim Hj;Kim Ki;Kim Gb;Jin WSTEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINEknee10.1002/sctm.18-01228504-511
Treister R;2019A Deeper Look At Pain Variability And Its Relationship With The Placebo Response: Results From A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial Of Naproxen In Osteoarthritis Of The Knee.Treister R;Honigman L;Lawal Od;Lanier Rk;Katz NpPAINhip; knee10.1097/j.pain.00000000000015381601522-1528
Zhang B;2019Outcomes Of Hyaluronic Acid Injections For Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis.Zhang B;Thayaparan A;Horner N;Bedi A;Alolabi B;Khan MJOURNAL OF SHOULDER AND ELBOW SURGERY10.1016/j.jse.2018.09.01128596-606
Jones Ia;2019Intra-Articular Treatment Options For Knee Osteoarthritis.Jones Ia;Togashi R;Wilson Ml;Heckmann N;Vangsness CtNATURE REVIEWS. RHEUMATOLOGYknee10.1038/s41584-018-0123-41577-90
Vannabouathong C;2018Nonoperative Treatments For Knee Osteoarthritis: An Evaluation Of Treatment Characteristics And The Intra-Articular Placebo Effect: A Systematic Review.Vannabouathong C;Bhandari M;Bedi A;Khanna V;Yung P;Shetty V;Khan MJBJS REVIEWSknee10.2106/JBJS.RVW.17.001676E5
Wade Rg;2018Kinesiology Taping Reduces The Pain Of Finger Osteoarthritis: A Pilot Single-Blinded Two-Group Parallel Randomized Trial.Wade Rg;Paxman Cb;Tucker Nc;Southern SJOURNAL OF PAIN RESEARCHfinger10.2147/JPR.S153071111281-1288
Persson Msm;2018Conventional And Biologic Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs For Osteoarthritis: A Meta-Analysis Of Randomized Controlled Trials.Persson Msm;Sarmanova A;Doherty M;Zhang WRHEUMATOLOGY (OXFORD, ENGLAND)10.1093/rheumatology/key131571830-1837
Salimzadeh A;2018The Effect Of 12-Week Garlic Supplementation On Symptom Relief In Overweight Or Obese Women With Knee Osteoarthritis.Salimzadeh A;Alipoor E;Dehghani S;Yaseri M;Hosseini M;Feinle-Bisset C;Hosseinzadeh-Attar MjINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICEknee10.1111/ijcp.1320872E13208
Mcalindon Te;2018Efficacy And Safety Of Single-Dose Onabotulinumtoxina In The Treatment Of Symptoms Of Osteoarthritis Of The Knee: Results Of A Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Study.Mcalindon Te;Schmidt U;Bugarin D;Abrams S;Geib T;Degryse Re;Kim K;Schnitzer TjOSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGEknee10.1016/j.joca.2018.05.001261291-1299
2018Pharmaceutical-Grade Chondroitin Sulfate In The Management Of Knee Osteoarthritis.Bruyère OEXPERT OPINION ON PHARMACOTHERAPYknee10.1080/14656566.2018.144243819409-412
Bihlet Ar;2018Identification Of Pain Categories Associated With Change In Pain In Patients Receiving Placebo: Data From Two Phase 3 Randomized Clinical Trials In Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis.Bihlet Ar;Byrjalsen I;Bay-Jensen Ac;Andersen Jr;Christiansen C;Riis Bj;Valter I;Karsdal Ma;Hochberg McBMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERSknee10.1186/s12891-018-1938-51917
Reed K;2018Efficacy And Safety Of Twice Daily Sustained-Release Paracetamol Formulation For Osteoarthritis Pain Of The Knee Or Hip: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Twelve-Week Study.Reed K;Collaku A;Moreira SCURRENT MEDICAL RESEARCH AND OPINIONknee; hip10.1080/03007995.2017.141724534689-699
Zarringam D;2018Long-Term Effect Of Injection Treatment For Osteoarthritis In The Knee By Orthokin Autologous Conditioned Serum.Zarringam D;Bekkers Jej;Saris DbfCARTILAGEknee10.1177/19476035177430019140-145
Yue Y;2018Correlation Of Pain Reduction With Fmri Bold Response In Osteoarthritis Patients Treated With Paracetamol: Randomized, Double-Blind, Crossover Clinical Efficacy Study.Yue Y;Collaku APAIN MEDICINE (MALDEN, MASS.)10.1093/pm/pnx15719355-367
Li Lw;2018Self-Acupressure For Older Adults With Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Li Lw;Harris Re;Tsodikov A;Struble L;Murphy SlARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCHknee10.1002/acr.2326270221-229
Saltzman Bm;2017The Therapeutic Effect Of Intra-Articular Normal Saline Injections For Knee Osteoarthritis: A Meta-Analysis Of Evidence Level 1 Studies.Saltzman Bm;Leroux T;Meyer Ma;Basques Ba;Chahal J;Bach Br;Yanke Ab;Cole BjTHE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINEknee10.1177/0363546516680607452647-2653
Fu Y;2016Identifying Placebo Responders And Predictors Of Response In Osteoarthritis: A Protocol For Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis.Fu Y;Persson Ms;Bhattacharya A;Goh Sl;Stocks J;Van Middelkoop M;Bierma-Zeinstra Sm;Walsh D;Doherty M;Zhang WSYSTEMATIC REVIEWS10.1186/s13643-016-0362-x5183
Dieppe P;2016The Power And Value Of Placebo And Nocebo In Painful Osteoarthritis.Dieppe P;Goldingay S;Greville-Harris MOSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGE10.1016/j.joca.2016.06.007241850-1857
Chahla J;2016Intra-Articular Cellular Therapy For Osteoarthritis And Focal Cartilage Defects Of The Knee: A Systematic Review Of The Literature And Study Quality Analysis.Chahla J;Piuzzi Ns;Mitchell Jj;Dean Cs;Pascual-Garrido C;Laprade Rf;Muschler GfTHE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY. AMERICAN VOLUMEknee10.2106/JBJS.15.01495981511-21
2016[Intra-Articular Hyaluronic Injection In Knee Osteoarthritis Only Effective Thanks To The Placebo Effect]].Zechmann SPRAXISknee10.1024/1661-8157/a002404105851-2
Myers Sp;2016Effects Of Fucoidan From Fucus Vesiculosus In Reducing Symptoms Of Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial.Myers Sp;Mulder Am;Baker Dg;Robinson Sr;Rolfe Mi;Brooks L;Fitton JhBIOLOGICS : TARGETS & THERAPY10.2147/BTT.S951651081-8
Reiter-Niesert S;2016Short-Term Placebo Response In Trials Of Patients With Symptomatic Osteoarthritis: Differences Between Hip And Knee.Reiter-Niesert S;Boers M;Detert JOSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGEhip; knee10.1016/j.joca.2016.01.002241007-11
Hale Me;2015Efficacy And Tolerability Of A Hydrocodone Extended-Release Tablet Formulated With Abuse-Deterrence Technology For The Treatment Of Moderate-To-Severe Chronic Pain In Patients With Osteoarthritis Or Low Back Pain.Hale Me;Laudadio C;Yang R;Narayana A;Malamut RJOURNAL OF PAIN RESEARCH10.2147/JPR.S839308623-36
Felson Dt;2016Recommendations For The Conduct Of Efficacy Trials Of Treatment Devices For Osteoarthritis: A Report From A Working Group Of The Arthritis Research Uk Osteoarthritis And Crystal Diseases Clinical Studies Group.Felson Dt;Redmond Ac;Chapman Gj;Smith To;Hamilton Df;Jones Rk;Holt Ca;Callaghan Mj;Mason Dj;Conaghan PgRHEUMATOLOGY (OXFORD, ENGLAND)10.1093/rheumatology/kev32855320-6
Zhang W;2015Placebos For Knee Osteoarthritis: Reaffirmation Of "Needle Is Better Than Pill".Zhang W;Zou K;Doherty MANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINEknee10.7326/M15-1580163392-3
Bannuru Rr;2015Effectiveness And Implications Of Alternative Placebo Treatments: A Systematic Review And Network Meta-Analysis Of Osteoarthritis Trials.Bannuru Rr;Mcalindon Te;Sullivan Mc;Wong Jb;Kent Dm;Schmid ChANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE10.7326/M15-0623163365-72
2015Placebo Effect In Osteoarthritis: Why Not Use It To Our Advantage?De Campos GcWORLD JOURNAL OF ORTHOPEDICS10.5312/wjo.v6.i5.4166416-20
Zeng C;2015Comparison Between 200 Mg Qd And 100 Mg Bid Oral Celecoxib In The Treatment Of Knee Or Hip Osteoarthritis.Zeng C;Wei J;Li H;Yang T;Gao Sg;Li Ys;Xiong Yl;Xiao Wf;Luo W;Yang Tb;Lei GhSCIENTIFIC REPORTSknee; hip10.1038/srep10593510593
Zeng C;2015Is Chondroitin Sulfate Plus Glucosamine Superior To Placebo In The Treatment Of Knee Osteoarthritis?Zeng C;Wei J;Lei GhANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASESknee10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-20747674E37
Bannuru Rr;2015Comparative Effectiveness Of Pharmacologic Interventions For Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review And Network Meta-Analysis.Bannuru Rr;Schmid Ch;Kent Dm;Vaysbrot Ee;Wong Jb;Mcalindon TeANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINEknee10.7326/M14-123116246-54
Mahmoud Ff;2015Amelioration Of Human Osteoarthritis Symptoms With Topical 'Biotherapeutics': A Phase I Human Trial.Mahmoud Ff;Al-Awadhi Am;Haines DdCELL STRESS & CHAPERONES10.1007/s12192-014-0553-020267-76
Krauß I;2014Exercise Therapy In Hip Osteoarthritis--A Randomized Controlled Trial.Krauß I;Steinhilber B;Haupt G;Miller R;Martus P;Janßen PDEUTSCHES ARZTEBLATT INTERNATIONALhip10.3238/arztebl.2014.0592111592-9
Paolillo Ar;2015Synergic Effects Of Ultrasound And Laser On The Pain Relief In Women With Hand Osteoarthritis.Paolillo Ar;Paolillo Fr;João Jp;João Ha;Bagnato VsLASERS IN MEDICAL SCIENCEhand10.1007/s10103-014-1659-430279-86
Rutgers M;2015Osteoarthritis Treatment Using Autologous Conditioned Serum After Placebo.Rutgers M;Creemers Lb;Auw Yang Kg;Raijmakers Nj;Dhert Wj;Saris DbACTA ORTHOPAEDICA10.3109/17453674.2014.95046786114-8
Pai Sk;2014Are Intra-Articular Injections Of Hylan G-F 20 Efficacious In Painful Osteoarthritis Of The Knee? A Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis.Pai Sk;Allgar V;Giannoudis PvINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICEknee10.1111/ijcp.12430681041-7
Abhishek A;2013Mechanisms Of The Placebo Response In Pain In Osteoarthritis.Abhishek A;Doherty MOSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGE10.1016/j.joca.2013.04.018211229-35
Davis Am;2013Osteoarthritis Year In Review: Outcome Of Rehabilitation.Davis Am;Mackay COSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGE10.1016/j.joca.2013.08.013211414-24
Shull Pb;2013Six-Week Gait Retraining Program Reduces Knee Adduction Moment, Reduces Pain, And Improves Function For Individuals With Medial Compartment Knee Osteoarthritis.Shull Pb;Silder A;Shultz R;Dragoo Jl;Besier Tf;Delp Sl;Cutkosky MrJOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH : OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH SOCIETYknee10.1002/jor.22340311020-5
Sihvonen R;2013Finnish Degenerative Meniscal Lesion Study (Fidelity): A Protocol For A Randomised, Placebo Surgery Controlled Trial On The Efficacy Of Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy For Patients With Degenerative Meniscus Injury With A Novel 'Rct Within-A-Cohort' Study Design.Sihvonen R;Paavola M;Malmivaara A;Järvinen TlBMJ OPENmenisc10.1136/bmjopen-2012-0025103
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