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Last updated from PubMed: 2024-09-06 05:28:43

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((random or randomized or randomised or randomly or random or RCT or 'Randomized Controlled Trial'[Publication Type]) AND (exercise[ti] OR 'resistance training' OR 'footwear[title]' OR 'insole[title]' OR 'insoles[title] OR 'endurance training' OR aquatraining OR 'nordic walking' OR 'exercise modalities' OR 'proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation' OR PNF[tiab]) AND (osteoarthritis[title] or OA[title] or osteoarthrosis[title] or (degenerative[title] AND meniscal[title])) NOT (animals[mh] NOT humans[mh]) NOT veterinary NOT equine[title] NOT animals[title] NOT animal[title] NOT review[title] NOT 'systematic review'[title] NOT 'meta-analysis'[title]

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First AuthorYearTitleAuthor ListJournalJointDOI (Click to get article)VolumePages
Slouma M;2024Aquatic Versus Land-Based Exercise For Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Slouma M;Abbes M;Kharrat L;Dhahri R;Maaoui R;Mouhli N;Hfaidh M;Zrida S;Ksibi I;Rahali H;Hedia B;Gharsallah IKOREAN JOURNAL OF FAMILY MEDICINEknee10.4082/kjfm.23.0102
Khazaei R;2024Developing An 8-Week, Tele-Education Weight Control And Exercise Programme, And Evaluating Its Effects On Weight And Pain Reduction In Patients With Obesity And Knee Osteoarthritis: A Double-Blinded Randomised Clinical Trial.Khazaei R;Maleklou F;Bodaghabadi Z;Tavana Mm;Kluzek S;Sharafi Se;Feshki Ms;Alizadeh ZMUSCULOSKELETAL CAREknee10.1002/msc.192622E1926
Cheng C;2024Efficacy Of Hip Abductors Exercise Training Combined With Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation On Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Cheng C;Wang J;Yang K;Wu X;Ren X;Liu T;Zhao Z;Zhang B;Ma B;Jiang LTECHNOLOGY AND HEALTH CARE : OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR ENGINEERING AND MEDICINEhip; knee10.3233/THC-240456
Iijima H;2024Varus Thrust Assessment Identified Responders To Quadriceps Exercise In Individuals At Risk Of Or With Knee Osteoarthritis.Iijima H;Aoyama TMEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISEknee10.1249/MSS.0000000000003526
Shah N;2024Telehealth Mindful Exercise For People With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Decentralized Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial.Shah N;Morone N;Kim E;Ellis Td;Cohn E;Lavalley Mp;Kumar DOSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGE OPENknee10.1016/j.ocarto.2024.1004946100494
Cp A;2024Effectiveness Of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy On Functional Ability In Grade Iv Knee Osteoarthritis - A Randomized Controlled Trial.Cp A;Jayaraman K;Babkair Ra;Nuhmani S;Nawed A;Khan M;Alghadir AhSCIENTIFIC REPORTSknee10.1038/s41598-024-67511-x1416530
Lawford Bj;2024Exploring Experiences Of People With Knee Osteoarthritis Who Received A Physiotherapist-Delivered Dietary Weight Loss And Exercise Intervention: A Mixed Methods Study.Lawford Bj;Allison K;Nelligan R;Campbell P;Hinman Rs;Jones Se;Pardo J;Quicke Jg;Sumithran P;Prendergast J;George Es;Holden Ma;Foster Ne;Bennell KlARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCHknee10.1002/acr.25401
Montilla-Herrador J;2024The Efficacy Of The Addition Of Tdcs And Tens To An Education And Exercise Program In Subjects With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Montilla-Herrador J;Lozano-Meca J;Lozano-Guadalajara Jv;Gacto-Sánchez MBIOMEDICINESknee10.3390/biomedicines1206118612
Han X;2024Letter To The Editor: Does The Combination Of Platelet-Rich Plasma And Supervised Exercise Yield Better Pain Relief And Enhanced Function In Knee Osteoarthritis? A Randomized Controlled Trial.Han X;Zhang R;Zhao TCLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCHknee10.1097/CORR.00000000000030884821504-1505
Argut S;2024Reply To The Letter To The Editor: Does The Combination Of Platelet-Rich Plasma And Supervised Exercise Yield Better Pain Relief And Enhanced Function In Knee Osteoarthritis? A Randomized Controlled Trial.Karaborklu Argut S;Celik DCLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCHknee10.1097/CORR.00000000000031644821506-1507
Wang Xz;2024Electroacupuncture Versus Exercise In Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: Study Protocol For A Randomized Controlled Trial.Wang Xz;Wang Rk;Liu Q;Shi Gx;Mi Bh;Liu Cz;Tu Jf;Lin JhPLOS ONEknee10.1371/journal.pone.030510519E0305105
Al-Mhanna Sb;2024Home-Based Circuit Training Improves Blood Lipid Profile, Liver Function, Musculoskeletal Fitness, And Health-Related Quality Of Life In Overweight/Obese Older Adult Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis And Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial During The Covid-19 Pandemic.Al-Mhanna Sb;Batrakoulis A;Mohamed M;Alkhamees Nh;Sheeha Bb;Ibrahim Zm;Aldayel A;Muhamad As;Rahman Sa;Afolabi Ha;Zulkifli Mm;Hafiz Bin Hanafi M;Abubakar Bd;Rojas-Valverde D;Ghazali WswBMC SPORTS SCIENCE, MEDICINE & REHABILITATIONknee10.1186/s13102-024-00915-416125
Hong Qm;2024Intermittent Blood Flow Restriction With Low-Load Resistance Training For Older Adults With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized, Controlled, Non-Inferiority Trial Protocol.Hong Qm;Wang Hn;Liu Xh;Zhou Wq;Luo XbTRIALSknee10.1186/s13063-024-08203-925352
Killingmo Rm;2024Cost-Effectiveness Of Strength Exercise Or Aerobic Exercise Compared With Usual Care For Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: Secondary Results From A Multiarm Randomised Controlled Trial In Norway.Killingmo Rm;Øiestad Be;Risberg Ma;Maas E;Grotle MBMJ OPENknee10.1136/bmjopen-2023-07970414E079704
Nazarieh M;2024The Effect Of Intra-Articular Ozone Injection Combined With Home-Based Exercise On Pain And Function In Daily Living Activities Of Patients With Mild To Moderate Knee Osteoarthritis, A Randomized Double-Blinded Controlled Clinical Trial.Nazarieh M;Ghannadi S;Halabchi F;Maleklou F;Ejtehadi F;Ehsani Kouhikheili Sr;Kluzek S;Alizadeh ZJOURNAL OF BODYWORK AND MOVEMENT THERAPIESknee10.1016/j.jbmt.2024.03.06638541-548
Kjeldsen T;2024Progressive Resistance Training Or Neuromuscular Exercise For Hip Osteoarthritis : A Multicenter Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.Kjeldsen T;Skou St;Dalgas U;Tønning Lu;Ingwersen Kg;Birch S;Holm Pm;Frydendal T;Garval M;Varnum C;Bibby Bm;Mechlenburg IANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINEhip10.7326/M23-3225177573-582
2024Corr Insights®: Does The Combination Of Platelet-Rich Plasma And Supervised Exercise Yield Better Pain Relief And Enhanced Function In Knee Osteoarthritis? A Randomized Controlled Trial.Boettner FCLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCHknee10.1097/CORR.00000000000030534821062-1064
Alfredo Pp;2024Efficacy Of Diadynamic Currents As An Adjunct To Exercise To Manage Symptoms Of Knee Osteoarthritis In Adults: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.Alfredo Pp;Johnson Mi;Bjordal Jm;Santos Ats;Peres Gb;Junior Ws;Casarotto RaCLINICAL REHABILITATIONknee10.1177/0269215524123661138920-931
Henriksen M;2024Exercise For Knee Osteoarthritis Pain: Association Or Causation?Henriksen M;Runhaar J;Turkiewicz A;Englund MOSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGEknee10.1016/j.joca.2024.03.00132643-648
Guo G;2024Effectiveness Of Yijinjing Exercise In The Treatment Of Early-Stage Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial Protocol.Guo G;Wang Y;Xu X;Lu K;Zhu X;Gu Y;Yang G;Yao F;Fang MBMJ OPENknee10.1136/bmjopen-2023-07450814E074508
Rognsvåg T;2024Exercise Therapy, Education, And Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Alone, Or In Combination With Total Knee Arthroplasty, In Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Feasibility Study.Rognsvåg T;Bergvad Ib;Furnes O;Indrekvam K;Lerdal A;Lindberg Mf;Skou St;Stubberud J;Badawy MPILOT AND FEASIBILITY STUDIESknee10.1186/s40814-024-01470-y1043
Machado Fa;2024Effects Of Blood Flow Restriction Therapy In Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: Protocol For An Overview Of Systematic Reviews.Machado Fa;Almeida Gj;Do Vale Alm;Ribeiro Ala;Cipriano Gfb;Cipriano Junior G;Martins WrFRONTIERS IN REHABILITATION SCIENCESknee10.3389/fresc.2024.131895151318951
Bennell Kl;2024Effectiveness Of A Telehealth-Delivered Clinician-Supported Exercise And Weight Loss Program For Hip Osteoarthritis - Protocol For The Better Hip Randomised Controlled Trial.Bennell Kl;Keating C;Lawford B;Graham B;Hall M;Simpson Ja;Mcmanus F;Hosking B;Sumithran P;Harris A;Woode Me;Francis Jj;Marlow J;Poh S;Hinman RsBMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERShip10.1186/s12891-023-07131-025138
Zeng Q;2024Bibliometric Analysis Of Research On Traditional Chinese Exercise And Osteoarthritis.Zeng Q;Liu X;Li L;Zhang Q;Luo C;Yang S;Wu S;Yang A;Li JJOURNAL OF PAIN RESEARCH10.2147/JPR.S43645717559-569
Argut S;2024Does The Combination Of Platelet-Rich Plasma And Supervised Exercise Yield Better Pain Relief And Enhanced Function In Knee Osteoarthritis? A Randomized Controlled Trial.Karaborklu Argut S;Celik D;Ergin On;Kilicoglu OiCLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCHknee10.1097/CORR.00000000000029934821051-1061
Ribeiro Dc;2024Mediators Of The Effects Of Exercise And Manual Therapy For People With Knee And Hip Osteoarthritis: A Secondary, Exploratory Analysis Of The Moa Trial.Ribeiro Dc;Lamb Se;Abbott JhOSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGE OPENknee; hip10.1016/j.ocarto.2023.1004316100431
Beckwée D;2024Exercise Therapy For Knee Osteoarthritis Pain: How Does It Work? A Study Protocol For A Randomised Controlled Trial.Beckwée D;Nijs J;Bierma-Zeinstra Sma;Leemans L;Leysen L;Puts S;Rice D;Schiphof D;Bautmans IBMJ OPENknee10.1136/bmjopen-2023-07425814E074258
Lai Mh;2024Effectiveness And Mechanism Of Action Of Rtms Combined With Quadriceps Strength Training In Individuals With Knee Osteoarthritis: Study Protocol For A Randomized Controlled Trial.Lai Mh;Xu Hc;Ding Yw;Yang K;Xu Xp;Jiang LmBMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERSknee10.1186/s12891-023-07146-72537
Larsson Sl;2024Effects Of A Neuromuscular Joint-Protective Exercise Therapy Program For Treatment Of Wrist Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Larsson Sl;Ekstrand E;Dahlin Lb;Björkman A;Brogren EBMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS10.1186/s12891-023-07157-42538
Hu C;2023Effectiveness Of Blood Flow Restriction Versus Traditional Weight-Bearing Training In Rehabilitation Of Knee Osteoarthritis Patients With Masld: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial.Hu C;Zhu B;Wang Y;Yang F;Zhang J;Zhong W;Lu S;Luo CFRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGYknee10.3389/fendo.2023.1220758141220758
Messier Sp;2024The Osteoarthritis Prevention Study (Tops) - A Randomized Controlled Trial Of Diet And Exercise To Prevent Knee Osteoarthritis: Design And Rationale.Messier Sp;Callahan Lf;Losina E;Mihalko Sl;Guermazi A;Ip E;Miller Gd;Katz Jn;Loeser Rf;Pietrosimone Bg;Soto S;Cook Jl;Newman Jj;Devita P;Spindler Kp;Runhaar J;Armitano-Lago C;Duong V;Selzer F;Hill R;Love M;Beavers Dp;Saldana S;Stoker Am;Rice Pe;Hunter DjOSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGE OPENknee10.1016/j.ocarto.2023.1004186100418
2024Do We Need More Exercise And Osteoarthritis Randomized Clinical Trials?Messier SpARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY (HOBOKEN, N.J.)10.1002/art.4278376354-355
Sørensen B;2023Physiological And Clinical Effects Of Low-Intensity Blood-Flow Restricted Resistance Exercise Compared To Standard Rehabilitation In Adults With Knee Osteoarthritis-Protocol For A Randomized Controlled Trial.Sørensen B;Aagaard P;Hjortshøj Mh;Hansen Sk;Suetta C;Couppé C;Magnusson Sp;Johannsen FePLOS ONEknee10.1371/journal.pone.029566618E0295666
Ogrezeanu Dc;2024Neuromuscular Responses And Perceptions Of Health Status And Pain-Related Constructs In End-Stage Knee Osteoarthritis During Resistance Training With Blood Flow Restriction.Ogrezeanu Dc;López-Bueno L;Sanchís-Sánchez E;Carrasco Jj;Cuenca-Martínez F;Suso-Martí L;López-Bueno R;Cruz-Montecinos C;Martinez-Valdes E;Casaña J;Calatayud JJOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCHknee10.1519/JSC.000000000000468038762-772
Liu J;2024The Modulation Effects Of The Mind-Body And Physical Exercises On The Basolateral Amygdala-Temporal Pole Pathway On Individuals With Knee Osteoarthritis.Liu J;Liu W;Huang J;Wang Y;Zhao B;Zeng P;Cai G;Chen R;Hu K;Tu Y;Lin M;Kong J;Tao J;Chen LINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY : IJCHPknee10.1016/j.ijchp.2023.10042124100421
Aratikatla A;2024Wharton's Jelly And Osteoarthritis Of The Knee.Aratikatla A;Maffulli N;Gupta M;Potti Ia;Potty Ag;Gupta ABRITISH MEDICAL BULLETINknee10.1093/bmb/ldad03014913-31
Anjum N;2023Comparison Of Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization And Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Stretching On Hamstring Flexibility In Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis.Anjum N;Sheikh Rk;Omer A;Anwar K;Khan Mmh;Aftab A;Awan WaPEERJknee10.7717/peerj.1650611E16506
Bennell Kl;2023A Self-Directed Digital Exercise Program For Hip Osteoarthritis ("My Hip Exercise"): Protocol For A Randomised Controlled Trial.Bennell Kl;Nelligan Rk;Hall M;Stratulate S;Mcmanus F;Lamb K;Marlow J;Hinman RsBMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERShip10.1186/s12891-023-07009-124906
Bell Ec;2023Using Supported Motivational Interviewing (Sumit) To Increase Physical Activity For People With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Pilot, Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial.Bell Ec;O'halloran P;Wallis Ja;Crossley Km;Gibbs Aj;Lee A;Jennings S;Barton CjBMJ OPENknee10.1136/bmjopen-2023-07501413E075014
Feng Y;2023Effect Of The Telemedicine-Supported Multicomponent Exercise Therapy In Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: Study Protocol For A Randomized Controlled Trial.Feng Y;Wu Y;Liu H;Bao T;Wang C;Wang Z;Huang J;Jiang Y;He C;Zhu STRIALSknee10.1186/s13063-023-07749-424729
Sire A;2024Efficacy Of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation On Functioning In Patients With Bilateral Hip Osteoarthritis: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.De Sire A;Marotta N;Spanó R;Fasano S;Sgro M;Lippi L;Invernizzi M;Ammendolia AJOURNAL OF BACK AND MUSCULOSKELETAL REHABILITATIONhip10.3233/BMR-23014837445-457
Yin Y;2023Effect Of Moderate Exercise On The Superficial Zone Of Articular Cartilage In Age-Related Osteoarthritis.Yin Y;Zhang Y;Guo L;Li P;Wang D;Huang L;Zhao X;Wu G;Li L;Wei XDIAGNOSTICS (BASEL, SWITZERLAND)10.3390/diagnostics1320319313
Smith Md;2023Protocol For A Randomised Feasibility Trial Comparing A Combined Program Of Education And Exercise Versus General Advice For Ankle Osteoarthritis.Smith Md;Vuvan V;Collins Nj;Hunter Dj;Costa N;Smith Mmf;Vicenzino BJOURNAL OF FOOT AND ANKLE RESEARCHankle10.1186/s13047-023-00669-11672
Larsson Sl;2023A Self-Managed Exercise Therapy Program For Wrist Osteoarthritis: Study Protocol For A Randomized Controlled Trial.Larsson Sl;Ekstrand E;Dahlin Lb;Björkman A;Brogren ETRIALS10.1186/s13063-023-07668-424628
Yabroudi Ma;2024Effects Of The Combination Of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field With Progressive Resistance Exercise On Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Yabroudi Ma;Aldardour A;Nawasreh Zh;Obaidat Sm;Altubasi Im;Bashaireh KJOURNAL OF BACK AND MUSCULOSKELETAL REHABILITATIONknee10.3233/BMR-2202613755-65
Øiestad Be;2023The Efficacy Of Strength Or Aerobic Exercise On Quality Of Life And Knee Function In Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis. A Multi-Arm Randomized Controlled Trial With 1-Year Follow-Up.Øiestad Be;Årøen A;Røtterud Jh;Østerås N;Jarstad E;Grotle M;Risberg MaBMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERSknee10.1186/s12891-023-06831-x24714
Tümtürk İ;2024Effect Of Telerehabilitation-Based Exercise And Education On Pain, Function, Strength, Proprioception, And Psychosocial Parameters In Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.Tümtürk İ;Bakirhan S;Özden F;Gültaç E;Kilinç CyAMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATIONknee10.1097/PHM.0000000000002335103222-232
Lall S;2023Comparison Of Neuromuscular Joint Facilitation And Quadriceps Strengthening Exercise In Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Lall S;Prem V;Karvannan HINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE & BODYWORKknee10.3822/ijtmb.v16i3.8111610-19
Runhaar J;2023Mechanisms Of Action Of Therapeutic Exercise For Knee And Hip Oa Remain A Black Box Phenomenon: An Individual Patient Data Mediation Study With The Oa Trial Bank.Runhaar J;Holden Ma;Hattle M;Quicke J;Healey El;Van Der Windt D;Dziedzic Ks;Middelkoop Mv;Bierma-Zeinstra S;Foster NeRMD OPENknee; hip10.1136/rmdopen-2023-0032209
Ahmad Ma;2023Effects Of Self-Management Program As Adjunctive To Usual Rehabilitation Exercise On Pain And Functional Outcomes In Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Ahmad Ma;Yusof A;Hamid Msa;Zulkifli Amin Fh;Kamsan Ss;Ag Daud Dm;Ajit Singh DkJOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN HEALTH SCIENCESknee10.34172/jrhs.2023.10423E00569
Mills K;2023Taking The First Step: Protocol For A Cluster Randomised Implementation Trial Comparing Strategies On Access To Exercise Programmes For People With Knee Osteoarthritis.Mills K;Bowden Jl;Boland R;Pardey M;Descallar J;Naylor JmBMJ OPENknee10.1136/bmjopen-2022-07104513E071045
Vincent Hk;2023Acute And Chronic Cardiovascular Responses To Concentric And Eccentric Exercise In Older Adults With Knee Osteoarthritis.Vincent Hk;Sharififar S;Mclaren C;May J;Vincent KrBMC SPORTS SCIENCE, MEDICINE & REHABILITATIONknee10.1186/s13102-023-00708-11595
Kim S;2023Precision Medicine-Based Machine Learning Analyses To Explore Optimal Exercise Therapies For Individuals With Knee Osteoarthritis: Random Forest-Informed Tree-Based Learning.Kim S;Kosorok Mr;Arbeeva L;Schwartz Ta;Callahan Lf;Golightly Ym;Nelson Ae;Allen KdTHE JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGYknee10.3899/jrheum.2022-1039501341-1345
Zhu Gc;2024Comparing Different Stretching Exercises On Pain, Stiffness, And Physical Function Disability In Older Adults With Knee Osteoarthritis.Zhu Gc;Chen Km;Belcastro FARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATIONknee10.1016/j.apmr.2023.07.001105953-962
Marriott Ka;2023Fundamentals Of Osteoarthritis. Rehabilitation: Exercise, Diet, Biomechanics, And Physical Therapist-Delivered Interventions.Marriott Ka;Birmingham TbOSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGE10.1016/j.joca.2023.06.011311312-1326
Gupta A;2023Allogenic Platelet-Rich Plasma For Treatment Of Knee And Hip Osteoarthritis.Gupta A;Potty Ag;Maffulli NFRONTIERS IN PAIN RESEARCH (LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND)knee; hip10.3389/fpain.2023.121619041216190
Dissanayaka Td;2023Baseline Knee Osteoarthritis Radiographic Severity As A Predictor Of Symptom Response To Diet And Exercise Program: A Secondary Analysis.Dissanayaka Td;Deveza La;Heller G;Robbins Sr;Hunter DjINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RHEUMATIC DISEASESknee10.1111/1756-185X.14800261722-1728
Jindasakchai P;2023Therapeutic Significance Of Insoles In Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis.Jindasakchai P;Angthong C;Panyarachun P;Rajbhandari P;Rungrattanawilai NEUROPEAN REVIEW FOR MEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCESknee10.26355/eurrev_202306_32619275023-5030
Foster Ne;2023Improving The Effectiveness Of Exercise Therapy For Adults With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial (Beep Trial).Foster Ne;Nicholls E;Holden Ma;Healey El;Hay EmARCHIVES OF REHABILITATION RESEARCH AND CLINICAL TRANSLATIONknee10.1016/j.arrct.2023.1002665100266
Ross Mh;2023Technical Issues Occur But Are Infrequent And Have Little Impact On Physiotherapist-Delivered Videoconferencing Consultations For Knee Osteoarthritis: A Descriptive Study.Ross Mh;Russell T;Bennell Kl;Campbell Pk;Kimp Aj;Foster Ne;Hinman RsMUSCULOSKELETAL SCIENCE & PRACTICEknee10.1016/j.msksp.2023.10278266102782
Nafees K;2023Dynamic Soft Tissue Mobilization Versus Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation In Reducing Hamstring Muscle Tightness In Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Control Trial.Nafees K;Baig Aam;Ali Ss;Ishaque FBMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERSknee10.1186/s12891-023-06571-y24447
Gholami Z;2023Gholami Z;Faezi St;Letafatkar A;Madreseh EBMJ OPENNA10.1136/bmjopen-2022-07033613E070336
Alfuth M;2023Sensorimotor Or Balance Training To Increase Knee-Extensor And Knee-Flexor Maximal Strength In Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Critically Appraised Topic.Alfuth M;Vieten EJOURNAL OF SPORT REHABILITATIONknee10.1123/jsr.2023-001132737-743
Mohammedsadiq Ha;2023Effectiveness Of Home-Based Conventional Exercise And Cryotherapy On Daily Living Activities In Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.Mohammedsadiq Ha;Rasool MtMEDICINEknee10.1097/MD.0000000000033678102E33678
Wainwright Tw;2023Cycling And Education (Cleat): Protocol For A Single Centre Randomised Controlled Trial Of A Cycling And Education Intervention Versus Standard Physiotherapy Care For The Treatment Of Hip Osteoarthritis.Wainwright Tw;Parkinson Ep;Immins T;Docherty S;Goodwin E;Hawton A;Low M;Samways J;Rees T;Saunders G;Middleton RgBMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERShip10.1186/s12891-023-06456-024344
Lawford Bj;2023How Does Exercise, With And Without Diet, Improve Pain And Function In Knee Osteoarthritis? A Secondary Analysis Of A Randomized Controlled Trial Exploring Potential Mediators Of Effects.Lawford Bj;Hinman Rs;Mcmanus F;Lamb Ke;Egerton T;Keating C;Brown C;Oliver K;Bennell KlARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCHknee10.1002/acr.25140752316-2327
Dalmas I;2023Effects Of Core Strengthening On Balance In Patients With Hip Osteoarthritis: A Randomised Controlled Trial.Dalmas I;Sciriha A;Camilleri L;Agius TINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION RESEARCH. INTERNATIONALE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR REHABILITATIONSFORSCHUNG. REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE RECHERCHES DE READAPTATIONhip10.1097/MRR.000000000000057946252-257
Yang J;2023Exercise Plus Acupuncture On Consensus Acupoints Versus Acupoints Selected By The Theory Of Equal Impact On Tendons, Bones, And Muscles For Knee Osteoarthritis.Yang J;Lan X;Cai Q;Lu Z;Wang YALTERNATIVE THERAPIES IN HEALTH AND MEDICINEknee29262-267
Mehwish B;2023Effect Of Hip Joint Mobilisations And Strength Training On Pain, Physical Function And Dynamic Balance In Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Mehwish B;Ali Ss;Mirza Baig AaJPMA. THE JOURNAL OF THE PAKISTAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONhip; knee10.47391/JPMA.622373749-754
Holm Pm;2023Online And Onsite Supervised Exercise Therapy And Education For Individuals With Knee Osteoarthritis - A Before And After Comparison Of Two Different Care Delivery Models.Holm Pm;Roos Em;Grønne Dt;Skou StMUSCULOSKELETAL CAREknee10.1002/msc.176521878-889
Nicolson Pja;2023Tailored Exercise Management (Tempo) Versus Usual Care For People Aged 80 Years Or Older With Hip/Knee Osteoarthritis: Study Protocol For A Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial.Nicolson Pja;Holden Ma;Marian Ir;Williamson E;Dutton Sj;Garrett A;Hopewell S;Lamb SePILOT AND FEASIBILITY STUDIEShip; knee10.1186/s40814-023-01275-5956
Almutairi Sm;2023Effects Of Backward Walking Exercise Using Lower Body Positive Pressure Treadmill On Knee Symptoms And Physical Function In Individuals With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Protocol For Rct.Almutairi Sm;Almutairi Mk;Alotaibi Mm;Alshehri M;Alenazi AmJOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND RESEARCHlower; knee10.1186/s13018-023-03711-x18264
Weber F;2023Smartphone-Assisted Training With Education For Patients With Hip And/Or Knee Osteoarthritis (Smart-E): Study Protocol For A Multicentre Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial.Weber F;Müller C;Bahns C;Kopkow C;Färber F;Gellert P;Otte I;Vollmar Hc;Brannath W;Diederich F;Kloep S;Rothgang H;Dieter V;Krauß I;Kloek C;Veenhof C;Collisi S;Repschläger U;Böbinger H;Grüneberg C;Thiel C;Peschke DBMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERShip; knee10.1186/s12891-023-06255-724221
Deng X;2023Effect Of Moderate Exercise On Osteoarthritis.Deng X;Xu H;Hao X;Liu J;Shang X;Xu TEFORT OPEN REVIEWS10.1530/EOR-22-01198148-161
Kitano M;2023Effects Of Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound On The Infrapatellar Fat Pad In Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial.Kitano M;Kawahata H;Okawa Y;Handa T;Nagamori H;Kitayama Y;Miyashita T;Sakamoto K;Fukumoto Y;Kudo SJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY SCIENCEknee10.1589/jpts.35.16335163-169
Khan Sa;2023Effect Of An Integrated Physiotherapy Protocol On Knee Osteoarthritis Patients: A Preliminary Study.Khan Sa;Parasher P;Ansari Ma;Parvez S;Fatima N;Alam IHEALTHCARE (BASEL, SWITZERLAND)knee10.3390/healthcare1104056411
Mitoma T;2023Protocol For A Randomised, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blinded Clinical Trial On The Effect Of Oestrogen Replacement On Physical Performance To Muscle Resistance Exercise For Older Women With Osteoarthritis Of Knee Joint: The Epok Trial.Mitoma T;Maki J;Ooba H;Eto E;Takahashi K;Kondo T;Ikeda T;Sakamoto Y;Mitsuhashi T;Masuyama HBMC GERIATRICSknee10.1186/s12877-023-03828-y23104
Gao B;2023Effects Of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching In Relieving Pain And Balancing Knee Loading During Stepping Over Obstacles Among Older Adults With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Gao B;Li L;Shen P;Zhou Z;Xu P;Sun W;Zhang C;Song QPLOS ONEknee10.1371/journal.pone.028094118E0280941
Rêgo Tam;2023Effects Of Mat Pilates On Older Adult Women With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Rêgo Tam;Ferreira Apl;Villela Dw;Shirahige L;Xavier Ab;Braz Rrs;Guerino Mr;Araújo MdgrJOURNAL OF BODYWORK AND MOVEMENT THERAPIESknee10.1016/j.jbmt.2022.02.00733136-141
Schwartz I;2023Cushioned Footwear Effect On Pain And Gait Characteristics Of Individuals With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Double-Blinded 3 Month Intervention Study.Schwartz I;Ofran Y;Bernovsky S;Kandel L;Rivkin G;Karniel N;Seyres M;Portnoy SSENSORS (BASEL, SWITZERLAND)foot; knee10.3390/s2303137523
Thudium Cs;2023Cartilage Tissue Turnover Increases With High- Compared To Low-Intensity Resistance Training In Patients With Knee Oa.Thudium Cs;Engstrøm A;Bay-Jensen Ac;Frederiksen P;Jansen N;De Zwart A;Van Der Leeden M;Dekker J;Lems W;Roorda L;Van Spil We;Van Der Esch MARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPYknee10.1186/s13075-023-03000-22522
Torstensen Ta;2023High- Versus Low-Dose Exercise Therapy For Knee Osteoarthritis : A Randomized Controlled Multicenter Trial.Torstensen Ta;Østerås H;Lomartire R;Rugelbak Gm;Grooten Wja;Äng BoANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINEknee10.7326/M22-2348176154-165
Culvenor Ag;2023Supervised Exercise-Therapy And Patient Education Rehabilitation (Super) Versus Minimal Intervention For Young Adults At Risk Of Knee Osteoarthritis After Acl Reconstruction: Super-Knee Randomised Controlled Trial Protocol.Culvenor Ag;West Tj;Bruder Am;Scholes Mj;Barton Cj;Roos Em;Oei E;Mcphail Sm;Souza Rb;Lee J;Patterson Be;Girdwood Ma;Couch Jl;Crossley KmBMJ OPENknee10.1136/bmjopen-2022-06827913E068279
Henriksen M;2023Exercise And Education Vs Intra-Articular Saline For Knee Osteoarthritis: A 1-Year Follow-Up Of A Randomized Trial.Henriksen M;Christensen R;Kristensen Le;Bliddal H;Bartholdy C;Boesen M;Ellegaard K;Guldberg-Møller J;Hunter Dj;Altman R;Bandak EOSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGEknee10.1016/j.joca.2022.12.01131627-635
Knoop J;2023No Evidence For Stratified Exercise Therapy Being Cost-Effective Compared To Usual Exercise Therapy In Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: Economic Evaluation Alongside Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.Knoop J;Esser J;Dekker J;De Joode Jw;Ostelo Rwjg;Van Dongen JmBRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPYknee10.1016/j.bjpt.2022.10046927100469
Hsu Wc;2022A Study On The Effects Of Lateral-Wedge Insoles On Plantar-Pressure Pattern For Medial Knee Osteoarthritis Using The Wearable Sensing Insole.Hsu Wc;Chou Lw;Chiu Hy;Hsieh Cw;Hu WpSENSORS (BASEL, SWITZERLAND)knee10.3390/s2301008423
Kang N;2022Functional Outcomes Of Tai Chi Exercise Prescription In Women With Knee Osteoarthritis.Kang N;Wang Y;Chen G;Guo C;Zhang Z;Mei D;Morrow-Howell N;Wang DSPORTS MEDICINE AND HEALTH SCIENCEknee10.1016/j.smhs.2022.10.0014239-244
Hinman Rs;2023Absence Of Improvement With Exercise In Some Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Qualitative Study Of Responders And Nonresponders.Hinman Rs;Jones Se;Nelligan Rk;Campbell Pk;Hall M;Foster Ne;Russell T;Bennell KlARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCHknee10.1002/acr.25085751925-1938
Wang J;2022Effects Of Traditional Chinese Herb Hot Compress Combined With Therapeutic Exercise On Pain, Proprioception, And Functional Performance Among Older Adults With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Wang J;Liu W;Fu HFRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGYknee10.3389/fphys.2022.1070754131070754
Gacto-Sánchez M;2023Addition Of Tdcs And Tens To An Education And Exercise Program In Subjects With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Study Protocol.Gacto-Sánchez M;Lozano-Meca Ja;Lozano-Guadalajara Jv;Baño-Alcaraz A;Lillo-Navarro C;Montilla-Herrador JJOURNAL OF BACK AND MUSCULOSKELETAL REHABILITATIONknee10.3233/BMR-22001536299-307
Messier Sp;2022Effect Of Diet And Exercise On Knee Pain In Patients With Osteoarthritis And Overweight Or Obesity: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Messier Sp;Beavers Dp;Queen K;Mihalko Sl;Miller Gd;Losina E;Katz Jn;Loeser Rf;Devita P;Hunter Dj;Newman Jj;Quandt Sa;Lyles Mf;Jordan Jm;Callahan LfJAMAknee10.1001/jama.2022.218933282242-2251
Choudhary K;2022Comparison Between The Effects Of Maitland's Mobilization Versus Its Combination With Vastus Medialis Oblique Neuromuscular Stimulation On Two Scales (Nprs & Womac) In Knee Osteoarthritis Patients.Choudhary K;Khanna A;Awasthi S;Padung MTHE INDIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCHknee10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_2564_19156149-154
Lawford Bj;2023Removing Pathoanatomical Content From Information Pamphlets About Knee Osteoarthritis Did Not Affect Beliefs About Imaging Or Surgery, But Led To Lower Perceptions That Exercise Is Damaging And Better Osteoarthritis Knowledge: An Online Randomised Controlled Trial.Lawford Bj;Bennell Kl;Hall M;Egerton T;Filbay S;Mcmanus F;Lamb Ke;Hinman RsTHE JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC AND SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPYknee; lower10.2519/jospt.2022.1161853202-216
Nagasawa Y;2022Physical Therapist-Delivered Acceptance And Commitment Therapy And Exercise For Older Outpatients With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.Nagasawa Y;Shibata A;Fukamachi H;Ishii K;Oka KJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY SCIENCEknee10.1589/jpts.34.78434784-790
Rostron Zpj;2023Comparison Between A Targeted Exercise Program And A Sham Intervention On Gluteal Muscle Activity In People With Hip Osteoarthritis: Analysis Of Secondary Outcomes From A Randomised Clinical Trial.Rostron Zpj;Zacharias A;Semciw Ai;Kingsley M;Pizzari T;Woodley Sj;Green RGAIT & POSTUREhip10.1016/j.gaitpost.2022.11.01610033-40
Lawford Bj;2023Effect Of Information Content And General Practitioner Recommendation To Exercise On Treatment Beliefs And Intentions For Knee Osteoarthritis: An Online Multi-Arm Randomized Controlled Trial.Lawford Bj;Bennell Kl;Hall M;Egerton T;Mcmanus F;Lamb Ke;Hinman RsACR OPEN RHEUMATOLOGYknee10.1002/acr2.11513517-27
Kuş G;2023Sensory-Motor Training Versus Resistance Training In The Treatment Of Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Kuş G;Tarakçi E;Razak Ozdincler A;Erçin ECLINICAL REHABILITATIONknee10.1177/0269215522113764237636-650
Chen Y;2022Acute Effects Of Low Load Resistance Training With Blood Flow Restriction On Serum Growth Hormone, Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1, And Testosterone In Patients With Mild To Moderate Unilateral Knee Osteoarthritis.Chen Y;Wang J;Li S;Li YHELIYONknee10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e110518E11051
Tore Ng;2023The Quality Of Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation Program And The Effect Of Telerehabilitation On Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis.Tore Ng;Oskay D;Haznedaroglu SCLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGYknee10.1007/s10067-022-06417-342903-915
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Lin Pl;2022Effects Of Computer-Aided Rowing Exercise Systems On Improving Muscle Strength And Function In Older Adults With Mild Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.Lin Pl;Yu Lf;Kuo Sf;Wang Xm;Lu Lh;Lin ChBMC GERIATRICSknee10.1186/s12877-022-03498-222809
French Hp;2022Adjunctive Therapies In Addition To Land-Based Exercise Therapy For Osteoarthritis Of The Hip Or Knee.French Hp;Abbott Jh;Galvin RTHE COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWShip; knee10.1002/14651858.CD011915.pub210CD011915
Pedersen Jr;2023Variability In Effect Sizes Of Exercise Therapy For Knee Osteoarthritis Depending On Comparator Interventions.Pedersen Jr;Sari Dm;Juhl Cb;Thorlund Jb;Skou St;Roos Em;Bricca AANNALS OF PHYSICAL AND REHABILITATION MEDICINEknee10.1016/j.rehab.2022.10170866101708
Ma Y;2022Cognitive Therapeutic Exercise In Early Proprioception Recovery After Knee Osteoarthritis Surgery.Ma Y;Fan Z;Gao W;Yu Z;Ren M;Ma Q;Song D;Zhang L;Mi LFRONTIERS IN REHABILITATION SCIENCESknee10.3389/fresc.2022.9150103915010
Starkey Sc;2022Effect Of Functional Weightbearing Versus Non-Weightbearing Quadriceps Strengthening Exercise On Contact Force In Varus-Malaligned Medial Knee Osteoarthritis: A Secondary Analysis Of A Randomized Controlled Trial.Starkey Sc;Lenton G;Saxby Dj;Hinman Rs;Bennell Kl;Metcalf Br;Hall MTHE KNEEknee10.1016/j.knee.2022.09.0013950-61
Babur Mn;2022Effects Of Glucosamine And Chondroitin Sulfate Supplementation In Addition To Resistance Exercise Training And Manual Therapy In Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Babur Mn;Siddiqi Fa;Tassadaq N;Arshad Tareen Ma;Osama MJPMA. THE JOURNAL OF THE PAKISTAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONknee10.47391/JPMA.2444721272-1277
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Paterson Kl;2022Effect Of Motion Control Versus Neutral Walking Footwear On Pain Associated With Lateral Tibiofemoral Joint Osteoarthritis: A Comparative Effectiveness Randomised Clinical Trial.Paterson Kl;Bennell Kl;Metcalf Br;Campbell Pk;Mcmanus F;Lamb Ke;Hinman RsBMJ OPENfoot10.1136/bmjopen-2022-06162712E061627
Cao H;2022Study On The Role Of Microrna-214 In The Rehabilitation Of Cartilage In Mice With Exercise-Induced Traumatic Osteoarthritis.Cao H;Zhou X;Li H;Wang M;Wu W;Zou JCURRENT ISSUES IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY10.3390/cimb44090281444100-4117
Hinman Rs;2022Exercise Adherence Mobile App For Knee Osteoarthritis: Protocol For The Mappko Randomised Controlled Trial.Hinman Rs;Nelligan Rk;Campbell Pk;Kimp Aj;Graham B;Merolli M;Mcmanus F;Lamb Ke;Bennell KlBMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERSknee10.1186/s12891-022-05816-623874
Pereira Db;2022Effect Of A Programme Of Muscular Endurance, Balance And Gait Exercises With And Without The Use Of Flexible And Minimalist Shoes In Older Women With Medial Knee Osteoarthritis: Study Protocol For A Randomised Controlled Trial.Pereira Db;Souza Ts;Fuzinato Ct;Hagihara Rj;Ribeiro ApBMJ OPENknee10.1136/bmjopen-2022-06126712E061267
Kjeldsen T;2022Progressive Resistance Training Compared To Neuromuscular Exercise In Patients With Hip Osteoarthritis And The Additive Effect Of Exercise Booster Sessions: Protocol For A Multicentre Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial (The Hip Booster Trial).Kjeldsen T;Dalgas U;Skou St;Van Tulder M;Bibby Bm;Mechlenburg IBMJ OPENhip10.1136/bmjopen-2022-06105312E061053
Harris A;2023Cost-Effectiveness Of Telehealth-Delivered Exercise And Dietary Weight Loss Programs For Knee Osteoarthritis Within A Twelve-Month Randomized Trial.Harris A;Hinman Rs;Lawford Bj;Egerton T;Keating C;Brown C;Metcalf B;Spiers L;Sumithran P;Quicke Jg;Bennell KlARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCHknee10.1002/acr.25022751311-1319
Henriksen M;2023Who Are Likely To Benefit From The Good Life With Osteoarthritis In Denmark (Glad) Exercise And Education Program? An Effect Modifier Analysis Of A Randomised Controlled Trial.Henriksen M;Nielsen Sm;Christensen R;Kristensen Le;Bliddal H;Bartholdy C;Boesen M;Ellegaard K;Hunter Dj;Altman R;Bandak EOSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGE10.1016/j.joca.2022.09.00131106-114
Magni N;2022Development Of A Prediction Model To Determine Responders To Conservative Treatment In People With Symptomatic Hand Osteoarthritis: A Secondary Analysis Of A Single-Centre, Randomised Feasibility Trial.Magni N;Rice D;Mcnair PMUSCULOSKELETAL SCIENCE & PRACTICEhand10.1016/j.msksp.2022.10265962102659
Cantero-Téllez R;2022Clinical Effects Of Proprioceptive Thumb Exercise For Individuals With Carpometacarpal Joint Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Cantero-Téllez R;Algar La;Valdes Ka;Naughton NJOURNAL OF HAND THERAPY : OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HAND THERAPISTS10.1016/j.jht.2022.06.00935358-366
Johansson Ms;2022Chronic Opioid Use Before And After Exercise Therapy And Patient Education Among Patients With Knee Or Hip Osteoarthritis.Johansson Ms;Pottegård A;Søndergaard J;Englund M;Grønne Dt;Skou St;Roos Em;Thorlund JbOSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGEknee; hip10.1016/j.joca.2022.08.001301536-1544
Campos-Villegas C;2024Effectiveness Of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Therapy And Strength Training Among Post-Menopausal Women With Thumb Carpometacarpal Osteoarthritis. A Randomized Trial.Campos-Villegas C;Pérez-Alenda S;Carrasco Jj;Igual-Camacho C;Tomás-Miguel Jm;Cortés-Amador SJOURNAL OF HAND THERAPY : OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HAND THERAPISTS10.1016/j.jht.2022.07.00537172-183
Bartsch Lp;2022Varus Knee Limits Pain Relief Effects Of Laterally Wedged Insoles And Ankle-Foot Orthoses In Medial Knee Osteoarthritis.Bartsch Lp;Schwarze M;Block J;Alimusaj M;Schiltenwolf M;Jaber A;Wolf SiJOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINEknee; ankle; foot10.2340/jrm.v54.112954JRM00324
Alfredo Pp;2022Efficacy Of Prolonged Application Of Low-Level Laser Therapy Combined With Exercise In Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Double-Blind Study.Alfredo Pp;Bjordal Jm;Lopes-Martins Ráb;Johnson Mi;Junior Ws;Marques Ap;Casarotto RaCLINICAL REHABILITATIONknee10.1177/02692155221111922361281-1291
Bennell Kl;2022Effectiveness Of A Telehealth Physiotherapist-Delivered Intensive Dietary Weight Loss Program Combined With Exercise In People With Knee Osteoarthritis And Overweight Or Obesity: Study Protocol For The Power Randomized Controlled Trial.Bennell Kl;Jones Se;Hinman Rs;Mcmanus F;Lamb Ke;Quicke Jg;Sumithran P;Prendergast J;George Es;Holden Ma;Foster Ne;Allison KBMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERSknee10.1186/s12891-022-05685-z23733
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Almeida G;2022Hip Abductor Versus Adductor Strengthening For Clinical Outcomes In Knee Symptomatic Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Peixoto Leão Almeida G;Oliveira Monteiro I;Larissa Azevedo Tavares M;Lourinho Sales Porto P;Rocha Albano T;Pasqual Marques AMUSCULOSKELETAL SCIENCE & PRACTICEhip; knee10.1016/j.msksp.2022.10257561102575
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Knoop J;2022Stratified Exercise Therapy Does Not Improve Outcomes Compared With Usual Exercise Therapy In People With Knee Osteoarthritis (Octopus Study): A Cluster Randomised Trial.Knoop J;Dekker J;Van Dongen Jm;Van Der Leeden M;De Rooij M;Peter Wf;De Joode W;Van Bodegom-Vos L;Lopuhaä N;Bennell Kl;Lems Wf;Van Der Esch M;Vliet Vlieland Tp;Ostelo RwJOURNAL OF PHYSIOTHERAPYknee10.1016/j.jphys.2022.06.00568182-190
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Hall M;2022Effects Of Adding Aerobic Physical Activity To Strengthening Exercise On Hip Osteoarthritis Symptoms: Protocol For The Phoenix Randomised Controlled Trial.Hall M;Allison K;Hinman Rs;Bennell Kl;Spiers L;Knox G;Plinsinga M;Klyne Dm;Mcmanus F;Lamb Ke;Da Costa R;Murphy Nj;Dobson FlBMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERShip10.1186/s12891-022-05282-023361
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Bartsch Lp;2022Hindfoot Flexibility Influences The Biomechanical Effects Of Laterally Wedged Insoles And Ankle-Foot Orthoses In Medial Knee Osteoarthritis.Bartsch Lp;Schwarze M;Block J;Alimusaj M;Hadzic A;Renkawitz T;Wolf SiARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATIONfoot; ankle; knee10.1016/j.apmr.2022.02.0121031699-1706
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Hall M;2022Effects Of Adding A Diet Intervention To Exercise On Hip Osteoarthritis Pain: Protocol For The Echo Randomized Controlled Trial.Hall M;Hinman Rs;Knox G;Spiers L;Sumithran P;Murphy Nj;Mcmanus F;Lamb Ke;Cicuittini F;Hunter Dj;Messier Sp;Bennell KlBMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERShip10.1186/s12891-022-05128-923215
Tossini Nb;2022Effect Of First Dorsal Interosseous Strengthening On Clinical Outcomes In Patients With Thumb Osteoarthritis: A Study Protocol For A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.Tossini Nb;Pereira Nd;De Oliveira Gs;Da Silva Serrão PrmTRIALS10.1186/s13063-022-06120-323191
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This project is financed by physioswiss.